
Following viral video, EFCC sanctions the discipline of two of its operatives

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The two EFCC officers were seen in a viral video that went viral online, assaulting a woman.

EFCC boss has sanctioned the discipline of two of its personnel over raidEFCC to discipline two of its personnel over raid
  • A video clip of a woman being assaulted by EFCC operatives went viral 
  • The woman was slapped repeatedly in the video clip
  • EFCC chairperson has ordered the arrest of the two operatives

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) chairperson, Ola Olukoyede, ordered the arrest of two operatives after a video clip capturing some of their activities during their raid at a hotel in Lagos went viral on Thursday, June 27.

The two EFCC officers were seen in a viral video that went viral online, assaulting a woman. The video footage showed about five EFCC operatives in tactical vests bursting into a room through the door. The victim was slapped repeatedly and did not try to fight back or struggle with the operatives. The operatives led the woman out after the short scene inside the room. 

Two of the operatives were seen inspecting a drawer of a table in the room. One of them picked up something, which is not clear in the video clip.

EFCC said the incident occurred during an early morning operation by the operatives and further reassured the public that the agency would continue to carry out its responsibilities in a professional manner while maintaining the utmost regard for the rule of law.

Reactions trail EFCC's discipline of officers

Netizens have, however, expressed their concerns about the activities of the anti-graft officials. 

“This kind of behaviour from the EFCC erodes public trust and highlights the urgent need for a protest,” Abode tweeted. 

“A protest has to be carried out because this is getting out of hand from the so-called EFCC,” Emmanuel Okpa added.  

“This is the kind of thing Nigerians should be protesting about. Next will be about government stupid spending on frivolities as well as hardship. By the way, Kenyans didn't have to shut down their national power grid in order to get the desired result,” Hodde said on X. 

“Protesting against bad governance and hardship should be the main thing. If everything in government fall in place, EFCC won't be misbehaving,” Hon. Idan commented. 

I’m in total support of this, this useless anti graft agency should be put to a stop from harassing and victimizing innocent citizens, people can’t sleep in peace anymore. They should go flex that muscles with yahaya bello and the rest of them,Brooda John supported.  

EFCC Raid on Hotels and Hostels: Action within or beyond the law?

TheRadar earlier reported that the raid of hotels and hostels in Ondo State drew reactions from many online, with many drawing comparisons between the agency and the proscribed Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

Their raid actions were examined in accordance with the laws of the country, whether they were permissible or not.

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Halima AdeosunAdmin

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