
EFCC Raid on Hotels and Hostels: Action within or beyond the law? [Opinion]

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A recent incident in Ondo has led people to conclude that the EFCC is gradually becoming like the SARS.

EFCC has come under heavy criticism for its recent raids.
  • EFCC’s raid of nightclubs in Ondo State on June 8 recorded massive violent attacks and vandalisation of properties
  • People lamented how EFCC is gradually becoming like the SARS
  • But it is important to critically examine if these raids within the ambit of the law or beyond it

The Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) is a Nigerian agency that investigates financial crimes such as advance fee fraud and money laundering. The people involved in cybercrime, popularly known as yahoo yahoo, are a major target for the EFCC nowadays because of the increase in the number of people found in this illegal act in Nigeria. 

However, the agency meant to fight against advance fee fraud (419) or other financial crimes is seen practising jungle justice by punishing innocent people, with the belief that everyone with expensive gadgets or lifestyle are also engaged in the ‘yahoo’ business.

EFCC raids Ondo nightclubs 

A recent incident in two hotels in Ondo State has led most people to conclude that the EFCC is gradually becoming like the SARS (Special Anti-Robbery Squad). 

The EFCC raided the nightclubs on Saturday, June 8, 2024, and arrested 127 people who they suspected were internet fraudsters. According to a statement made by the EFCC, the party was initially scheduled for Wednesday, June 5, but was postponed to Saturday to evade the EFCC’s operation.

The arrest of the 127 suspected people in the nightclub came with violent attacks and vandalisation of expensive properties. Mr Abayomi Ajepe, the Chairman of the Lounge and Club Owners Association Ondo Chapter, disclosed that the EFCC Stormed the nightclubs in a commando-like manner, and like armed robbers. One of the victims of the raid was a groom who was spending his bachelor's eve with his friends. He added that the raiding by EFCC has affected the hospitality business of the State as people were afraid to lodge in the hotels.

In a statement made by him, “What we experienced on Saturday we never expected of it, because Akure is a very peaceful community, we are not too happy, the incident happened around 1:45 am on Saturday morning and personally I drove to the scene to witness what was going on and on getting there it was barbaric so I have to turn back because I don’t want to get hurt.I was on the phone, making calls to authorities but it was later we discovered that these people came from the Ibadan EFCC office because initially, we thought they were armed robbers. 

“So we are telling the whole world that we are not too happy with what happened. They took away the cameras, phones, CCTVs, along with about 127 people and some of them were still there. So why are they denying their operations here in Akure? We want the government to check-mate this unacceptable attitude in our community, and the government needs to come to our aid.

He also alleged that the EFCC violently attacked some ladies, took away expensive drinks and CCTV Camera in order to conceal their activities at the nightclub.

In the response given by Ayo Abbas-Akinwande, the manager of the nightclub ‘The Signatures Elixir’ who was privileged to have a first-hand experience of the issue, he said: “At about 1:30 am on Saturday, June 8, 2024, the men of EFCC came into our premises. There were about 40 of them and they came with about 10 unregistered Toyota buses. The only thing that could be used to identify them was their red jackets and the guns.”

He further explained that “After gaining access to our premises, they rounded everybody up and instructed them to lie down on the floor. Using snooker sticks to beat people to comply, Both male and female customers were dealt with mercilessly. Other members of their team went into the club and rounded everyone up, releasing tear gas in the process. We were lucky to have adequate first aid materials on the premises that were used by our staff to rescue some of the customers who had various forms of medical emergencies. The CCTV engine room was completely turned upside down and the CCTV engine was taken away.”

In addition, Ayo Alabi, the Chairman/CEO of Alba Royale Hotel, attested to the massive vandalisation of properties done by the EFCC operation. In his words; “I went there in the morning and I saw the massive damage, I was told that all the guests were seriously dealt with, they took away our CCTV engine, they never invited us, we never had any issue with them and we have evidence on how they carried out the operations.”

Reactions of Nigerians to EFCC’s raid

An ‘X’ user @Eniboy commented: “EFCC needs to change its mode of operation. Fraud is not a violent crime so mode of arrest needs to be civil. Last year they smashed my mother’s door at 5am in search of Yahoo boys. She almost collapsed. In 2021 a man jumped to death at 1004 after mistaking EFCC men for robbers”

Another user @blochief wrote: “EndEFCC will trend soon because they are now doing the same things that #EndedSars.”

In addition, X user @EdunTimilehin1 commented: “Only if we tag it the right name for once, #Endpolicebrutality should be the word, after ending EFCC, 2 years later we would be looking for another one to end. Irrespective of the law enforcement unit, brutality should end!

Action within or beyond the law?

While it is quite justifiable that the EFCC is an agency that was established to curb financial crimes in Nigeria, the mode of their operations appears questionable, which probes the question whether their action is within or above the law?

Inferring from their invasion of the nightclubs, the alleged violent attacks on the people present at the club that night is illegal and beyond their constitutional role. For instance, Section 36(5) of The CFRN 1999(As amended) provides that: “Everyone who is charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed to be innocent until he is proved guilty.

Similarly, Section 34 of The CFRN 1999 (As amended) provides for the right to dignity of human persons. 

Therefore, the innocence of the accused persons should be on display until they have been charged with guilt. This implies that no punishment or indiscriminate action should be meted out to people who have not been confirmed guilty. Every person is also entitled to be respected for his dignity. 

In this manner, while we recognise the role and importance of EFCC as an agency in Nigeria, it is sacrosanct to reiterate that EFCC should ensure they stay within their constitutional duties and promote the lawful interest of the country. The agency should not allow what is meant to be an institution to correct wrong to be a subject of ridicule in the society.

*The views expressed in this article are that of the author and not of the organisation TheRadar.

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Omolade TolaAdmin

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