
Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, 7 others top list of countries with highest workers' stress rate in Africa

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Nigeria, Uganda and Ghana are among the 10 countries with the highest worker stress rate in Africa. Nigeria and Ghana are among the countries with the highest workers' stress rate in Africa. Credit: Business Elites Africa
  • Stress is an unavoidable issue for workers but the rate differs for each country in Africa 
  • Certain African countries such as Chad, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Nigeria and Ghana have been ranked among the countries with the highest workers’ stress rate on the continent 
  • The ranking was drawn from The Gallup’s State Global Workplace 2023 Report

Gallup’s State Global Workplace 2023 Report has ranked African countries by their stress rate and the top 10 countries with the highest worker stress rates include Chad, Uganda, Tanzania, and Nigeria. Considering the tussle for a new minimum wage that was just resolved in Nigeria, the country is unsurprisingly on the list. 

The primary causes of stress in the labour market were identified to be: currency fluctuations, toxic labour systems, economic instability, and inflation. This increased stress negatively impacts productivity and employee turnout.

For perspective, Indermit Gill, World Bank’s Chief Economist, stated, “A lost decade could be in the making for the global economy. The ongoing decline in potential growth has serious implications for the world’s ability to tackle the expanding array of challenges unique to our times, stubborn poverty, diverging incomes, and climate change.

Below listed are the 10 African countries with the highest workers’ stress rate. 

Top 10 African Countries with highest workers' stress rate 

1. Chad: 58%

Chad, also known as Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country in North-central Africa. It has been identified by Gallup as the African Country with the highest workers’ stress rate, measuring up to 58%.

According to a report by Multiplier, the primary jobs in Chad are agriculture and oil industries. It is also a developing country.

The stress rate in Chad is majorly because of economic instability in the country.

2. Uganda: 57%

The second on the list is Uganda, with a stress rate of 57%. Uganda is located in East Africa and like Chad, it is a developing country. The most common jobs in Uganda are also related to Agriculture.

3. Tanzania: 56%

Tanzania is a country in East Africa, which has been recognised by Gallup as having 56% workers' stress rate. This makes Tanzania third in the list of the highest African countries with workers' stress rate.

4. Tunisia: 56%

Tunisia and Tanzania have the same stress rate. Tunisia is located in North Africa with the majority of citizens engaged in petroleum, mining, textiles, tourism, etc. The stress rate is caused by the political, social and economic instability in the country.

5. Ghana: 54%

Ghana has a workers' stress rate of 54%, making it the fifth on the list. The country is located in West Africa with the majority of workers involved in Agriculture.

There is a high level of job unavailability and wide gap in income which is a major factor contributing to the percentage of workers' stress rate.

6. Sierra Leone: 53%

This Country in West Africa has a workers' stress rate of 53%. The majority of workers are into Agriculture and Mining. The stress rate is also caused by unavailability of jobs and economic uncertainties in the country.

7. Senegal: 50%

Senegal is the seventh on the list with a workers' stress rate of 50%. The country is located in West Africa and the major job is industrial and agricultural work. The major cause of workers' stress in Senegal is economic instability and lack of social support.

8. Nigeria: 50%

Nigeria has the same workers' stress rate as Senegal. Nigerian workers are majorly involved in oil and gas, manufacturing and construction. The 50% stress rate is a result of economic, social and political instability in Nigeria.

9. Guinea: 49%

Guinea is a country located in West Africa. It has a workers' stress rate of 49%. The workers’ stress rate is a result of poor economic development and the country's high rate of political instability.

10. Libya: 49%

Guinea and Libya have the same percentage of workers’ stress rate. Libya is located in North Africa, and its economy is largely based on oil and gas. Political instability and prolonged wars are major reasons for workers' stress rate in Libya.

African giant: Nigeria wins bid to host $5bn African Energy Bank

Meanwhile, TheRadar previously reported that Nigeria won the right to host the $5billion African Energy Bank. 

The win was as a result of Nigeria's investment of $100 million which exceeds the $83.33 million commitment required for class A shares from APPO member countries. The development raised excitement from Nigerians and operators in the oil and gas sector.

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Omolade TolaAdmin

Omolade Tola is a Freelance Writer with over 5 years experience of creating unique and creative contents on various subjects. She is currently a Freelance writer at Theradar.

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