
9 signs a man would feel threatened by his woman's success

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Here are 9 signs a man may feel threatened by his woman’s success9 signs your man may feel threatened by your success | Credit: Freepik
  • The world is fast evolving, and more women are achieving remarkable feats and success in their careers
  • Some men, however, cannot handle their women’s success with grace
  • Here are nine signs to help you spot men who might feel insecure about your success

In today's world, more women are breaking barriers, excelling in their careers, and achieving remarkable success. While this progress is inspiring, not all men are comfortable with their partner's success. 

For some men, their wives or girlfriends' accomplishments trigger insecurity, jealousy, or inadequacy. These emotions often come from outdated traditional ideas that men should be the primary breadwinners while women support their husbands. 

However, as women continue to rise, it becomes crucial to address the uncomfortable but significant issue of men who feel threatened by their partner’s success.

Recognising the signs of such insecurity early on can save a relationship from unnecessary tension and conflict. It can also help women decide who to build a life with. 

Here is how to spot a man who may feel threatened by his woman's success and the red flags to watch out for. 

Signs your man may feel threatened by your success

1. He downplays your achievements

A man who feels threatened by your success may dismiss or minimise your accomplishments. For instance, when you share a win at work, instead of showing genuine excitement, he may respond with something like, “It’s not a big deal” or “Anyone could have done that.” This belittling behaviour attempts to make your success seem insignificant so it doesn’t overshadow him.

2. He makes you feel guilty for your ambition

If a man constantly makes you feel like your ambitions are selfish, he might be threatened by your drive. He may subtly or not-so-subtly suggest that your focus on your career comes at the expense of your relationship or that you should prioritise him over your work goals. This kind of guilt-tripping can make you second-guess yourself and your dreams.

3. He becomes competitive

A healthy relationship thrives on support and partnership, not competition. If your partner constantly tries to one-up you or turns everything into a contest, this is a red flag. For example, if you land a promotion and he responds by boasting about a minor achievement of his own, it's a sign that he views your success as a threat to his own sense of worth.

4. He tries to control you

Insecure men may attempt to control aspects of your life to feel more secure in the relationship. This could manifest subtly, like trying to influence your career choices or pressuring you to reduce your working hours. He may even suggest you take on more traditional roles, framing it as what's best for the relationship, but the underlying motivation is to limit your growth and independence.

5. He’s uncomfortable in social situations

If a man is uncomfortable or awkward when you receive praise or recognition in public, it could be a sign that your success threatens him. Instead of being proud of you, he may sulk, make sarcastic comments, or withdraw entirely. This behaviour often comes from his fear of being seen as less successful or important than you in social settings.

6. He rarely celebrates your wins

When your partner truly supports you, he’ll be excited to celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small. However, if he consistently brushes off your successes or avoids joining in the celebration, it may be because your achievements make him feel insecure. He may even go so far as to question whether you deserve the success, subtly undermining your confidence.

7. He Is overly critical

Constructive criticism can be helpful, but if your partner constantly finds faults in everything you do, especially when it comes to your career, it may be a sign that he’s threatened. Men who feel insecure about their partner’s success often resort to excessive criticism to regain a sense of superiority.

8. He avoids talking about your goals

A man who feels threatened by your success may avoid conversations about your future goals and dreams. He might change the subject or give short, uninterested responses when you try to discuss your career or aspirations. His lack of enthusiasm for your growth can be a red flag that he’s uncomfortable with the idea of you outgrowing him.

9. He dismisses feminism or gender equality

A man who frequently dismisses conversations about feminism or gender equality may struggle with the idea of a woman being successful in her own right. He may hold traditional beliefs about gender roles that make him uncomfortable with the idea of women overtaking men in the workplace or other areas of life.

Mutual support and respect are critical to both partners’ happiness in any relationship. If you notice one or more of these signs in your relationship, it’s important to address the issue openly and honestly. A man who truly values you will celebrate your successes and encourage your growth, not feel threatened by them. Pay attention to how he reacts to your wins; it says a lot about his ability to handle a strong, successful partner.

10 tips on how to maintain a long-distance relationship

Meanwhile, TheRadar earlier compiled tips to help you maintain a long-distance relationship even though you’re separated by cities, states, countries or even continents. 

Among them are communication, setting expectations, being intentional, trust and transparency, and planning visits.

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Funmilayo Aremu-Olayemi Admin

Funmilayo Aremu-Olayemi is a reporter with over four years of experience. She covers a wide range of beats, such as health, lifestyle, and human-angle stories. Her work has been published in the Nigerian Tribune and Elegantz Magazine, USA.

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