
5 tips to know your skin type

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It is important to know your skin type if you want to curate a healthy skincare routine and have flawless skin.

Steps to take you want to know your skin type. Credit: Simpleskincare
  • Knowing your skin type is crucial to knowing the appropriate products to apply to your skin
  • However, many do not know this and sometimes harm their skin by observing an inappropriate skincare regimen
  • Here are five steps to know your skin type and the features of each skin type

It is important to know your skin type if you want to curate a healthy skincare routine and have flawless skin.

Knowing your skin type will allow you to select the right products for your skincare regimen. There are three main skin types: dry skin, oily skin, and combination skin. Other skin types, like acne-prone skin and sensitive skin, are encountered due to one of the above-mentioned skin types, and they are mostly regarded as Skin conditions.

Knowing the features of skin types

You might be wondering how you will know the skin type you belong to. Don’t worry, below are the features of the skin types mentioned above:

  1. Oily skin: This skin type feels greasy when touched, has enlarged pores when looking in the mirror, and has a shiny face, especially across the T-zone and chin. However, it is necessary to moisturise your skin.
  2. Dry skin: this skin type tends to look flaky, scaly and a little bit dull with no visible pores. If not well moisturised at regular intervals, it feels tight, and you may be prone to irritation.
  3. Combination skin: If you have this skin type, your face will look oily and feel greasy when you touch around the T-zone, while your cheek region will feel dry, flaky and sometimes tight. 

Photo credit: Youtopia Beauty

We know about the skin types now. How do you determine the skin type you have?

Steps to know your skin type

These are the basic steps to determine your skin type:

  • Wash your face gently with a mild cleanser.
  • Gently pat your face with a clean towel, or alternatively, allow your face to air-dry.
  • After 20-30 minutes, observe your face in a mirror to see the features you have and know your skin type.
  • You can also use clean tissue paper to determine your skin type by gently pressing the paper on different areas of your face.
  • Hold the sheet to light and observe how much oil was absorbed. 

However, you should note that if you try these simple methods and still doubt your skin type, it is best and advisable to consult a certified dermatologist to be sure of your skin type and also get recommendations for skincare products. 

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Aishat AjaoAdmin

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