Human Interest

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya responds to controversy over sermon on judging by appearance

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Pastor Jimmy Odukoya addresses criticism over sermon on inner beauty and acceptance, challenging societal norms and prejudices
Pastor Jimmy Odukoya sparks controversy with sermon on inner beauty over physical appearance
  • Pastor Jimmy Odukoya addressed criticism over his sermon, emphasising that God values inner character over outward appearance
  • He used John the Baptist as an example, highlighting how people might have struggled to accept him as a prophet due to his unconventional look
  • His message, which also referenced tattooed Instagram influencer Richie the Barber, sparked backlash from some but Odukoya remained firm in his stance 

Nigerian actor and pastor of the Fountain of Life Church has addressed the controversy surrounding his sermon on the dangers of judging others based on their physical appearance. 

Despite facing criticism, Pastor Odukoya remains firm in his message, emphasising that God values inner character over outward appearance.

In a follow-up clip of his sermon on Sunday, February 23, posted on his X(formerly Twitter) page on Wednesday, February 26, Pastor Odukoya captioned, "Our problem is that we know too much." 

Expanding on his point, he referenced John the Baptist, saying: 

John the Baptist shows up on the scene, one of the greatest prophet of their time, with one of the biggest role, to be the forerunner of Jesus. And he came and his existence was a break from tradition. 

“The Bible describes him as a wild man, beards all crazy, dressed all crazy, but he had a job to do.”

Drawing a parallel to modern times, he added: 

Now, if you and I, probably just me, if we existed back in the day, we would have had issue accepting that John the Baptist was the mouthpiece of Heaven, because surely the mouthpiece of Heaven cannot look like this.

“A mouthpiece of Heaven must have a clean robe and must walk circumspectly and must walk with a big bible.”

He further concluded, “We don't see him because our tradition of what we know gets in the way. The problem is we know too much.”

This comes after Pastor Odukoya shared the story of Richie the Barber, an Instagram influencer and pastor, who sports multiple tattoos and piercings. 

He posed a thought-provoking question: “Would we welcome someone like Richie into our churches, or would we judge him based on his appearance?”

Odukoya's message was met with criticism from some quarters, however, the pastor remained undeterred in his conviction. 

Netizens weigh in on Pastor Jimmy Odukoya's sermon on appearance

Here are some reactions below;

@Stilthagirl_aj commented: “Tradition and culture has blinded many to see, we have set a standard requirement for how a man of God should look rather than asking the Holy spirit for guidance in our discernment. Lord help us all.”
@ewaadecooks posted: “As I listened to the Gospel reading at Mass today; Mark 9:38-40
I remembered the harsh criticisms meted out on Jimmy Odukoya for endorsing the tatted barber as a preacher of God's words and encouraging people not to judge by outward appearance.
Guys, he was right.”
@leks4humanity commented: “Jimmy Odukoya should cut his hair and beard, and look more decently appealing as a Pentecostal preacher. Dreadlock, long hair or tattoo are strange to Pentecostal ministry and Christendom. Trying to justify or push the truth will end in heresy. Appearance matters too.”
@osoriaasibor commented: “This is a fallacy of converse accident. There are preachers in jail doing ministry there. Does that mean God doesn't care if you commit a crime? This guy needs to humble himself and learn instead of giving reasons why he can't cut his hair. While your hair may not be a sin, not being ready to sacrifice it for the souls of others makes it a sin. It becomes carnality.”
@Iamkolotayo commented: “Both you and the Preacher, this is half truth. Imagine me getting drunk and i moved close to you with my mouth oozing to tell you about the gospel of Christ.
Let me ask you @Deborahmoses_s, are you not going to cover your nose and run away. Thats how most people will run away from Richie the Barber first.”
@KOluwayemi commented: “A preacher of Christ should lead by example, it’s simple. If someone dressed like a madman walked into their church and started preaching, would they stay and listen? Imagine someone dressed like a pornstar trying to share the word of God when they have the option to dress modestly and still deliver the same message.”
@Olalekanakogun commented: “Clownmmy is subtly making a case for himself. We get it. That’s how they program gullible parishioners. Clownmmy is aware there are still questions around his own physical appearance. Men can say all they want, but SCRIPTURES will NEVER be broken. Let your MODERATION be known to ALL MEN. (Phil 4:5). Where is the moderation in his comrade’s appearance? 🤔.”
@Nazarose_ commented: “I’m not one to debate doctrines or Christian teaching standards on social media but I’ve just watched Pastor Jimmy Odukoya’s sermon on “Seeing Jesus” and my sincere prayer is for God to help my generation and generations to come in these last days.” 

Suspended RCCG Pastor Iluyomade under fire for opening new church

Meanwhile, TheRadar earlier reported that a former RCCG pastor, Idowu Iluyomade sparked controversy by opening a new church, Family Fellowship, in Lagos following his suspension from RCCG in 2024, due to a lavish birthday party for his wife, deemed insensitive as it coincided with the mourning of a prominent church member.

Iluyomade's new church has raised questions about his genuineness, with many Nigerians expressing scepticism on social media. 

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